Busy Bag Children's Activities For New York Nannies

Publié par Unknown on vendredi 8 août 2014

By Tara West


3 Busy-Bags = Busy 3 Year Old

Store and create these busy bags ahead of time and separately from children's normal toy rotation, and allow your child to use their imagination and creativity!Children often need a calm activity before nap time, or while you finish cleaning up after a meal.

Content for Race Track and Cars:

* Stickers

They may only draw lines and circles, but they'll have an amazing story to tell you.

* Age appropriate race cars

* One colored page of construction paper

You can also trace handprints and footprints to create a trail. If your child likes to paint, dissolve the chalk in a bucket of water, grab a paint brush from the garage and start painting.

* Markers

What your child learns: The possibilities are endless with chalk.

What your child learns: You can create your own sticker buildings, or for example, a hospital helps sick people get better, a fire station is where fire trucks are stored, and a garage stores our car and bicycles. You can also talk about street safety such as what street lights mean, when to cross a cross walk, and sounds you may hear.

Crayons and Post-its Contents include:

2. Running may seem like the only way your child gets from one point to another! Put on your swimsuit, sunscreen and add a water-filled sponge ball to a game of catch!

Running is an excellent way for children to get exercise, remain fit, and burn energy. While playing catch, squeeze out the water and get it wet by dipping into a bucket of water. Be sure to stay cool and hydrated while under the hot summer sun!


Your child's take-aways: While your child is drawing, you can ask questions about their art and have them tell you a story. Encouraging creativity and storytelling allows your child to use their imagination! Displaying the work helps children to show case their skills.

What your child learns: While your child is drawing, you can ask questions about their art and have them tell you a story. Encouraging creativity and storytelling allows your child to use their imagination!

Sorting Colored Craft Sticks Contents include:

* One quart baggie

* 10-15 craft sticks

As a parent, you will want to talk about how to take care of a plant, how they grow, and what the end result will be.

What your child learns: While sorting, your child will learn counting, colors, and organizing.

Busy-bags can allow time to catch up on a task while your child does a fun and calm activity. Encourage your child to use their creativity and imagination while playing with their busy-bags. Let your child choose the contents of the busy-bags such as the color of paper and crayons, or which bag they would like to play with. You may find you have more fun than them with the busy-bags!

That's okay because you are spending quality time together playing, teaching, and learning!

Foam Stickers on Construction Paper: Talk about what the stickers are, have your child arrange them a certain way, or just let them put the stickers all over the paper!

HIPP thanks teachingmama for serving as a resource for the wonderful activities we are making available to our readers!

Stay cool and have fun

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