Reasons For The R Word Pledge

Publié par Unknown on dimanche 31 janvier 2016

By Thomas Cook

Spread the word to end the word is national campaign in the United States of America, aimed at encouraging its citizens to shun the use of the r wood, retard. Advocates who activist for the end of the R word want people to restrain from using it as much as possible. This should be avoided in all speeches, both everyday speeches, and colloquial ones. The R word pledge has been widely advocated for, since it is considered hurtful, demeaning and dehumanizing, to members of the society who have intellectual disabilities.

The campaign is manned by enthusiasts who confidently believe that using defamatory names like retards have adverse ramifications, and all people should refrain from using such names, as much as possible. Instead, they advocate for more polite, sensible, unbiased and respectful terms, during making of speeches or other conversations. Their argumentation is largely based on the fact that no one decides on their fate, and so no one wished to be born having intellectual complications. The affected persons, therefore, have no reason whatsoever to be demeaned by the rest of the sane persons.

The pledge was founded in the year 2009, during the Special Olympics Global Youth Activation Summit. Its main mission was to totally eliminate the usage of the word retard, from speeches ad general talk. The advocates of the motion believe that the individuals who have cognitive mental disabilities are, also capable of enjoying their lives and also share their experiences with the rest of the society.

Therefore causal references, they claim, to words like retard or even retarded, are esteem killers, and make the person with the intellectual deficiencies feel like they are more or less, human. This is seen to interfere with their psychology, which may in the end result in them not respecting themselves, and they view themselves as failures.

The enthusiastic youths behind the campaigns generally named their agenda as simply the R word, to represent other many terms that are uncalled for, unacceptable, racial, and impediments to social ethics, for example nigger.

The initiation of the program was amplified by people of all intellectual backgrounds, who had common interests and passion to drive the promotion of ethical language, and physical sentiments that do not hurt any party, emotionally or directly. By so doing, they hoped that the world would be ultimately a better place to live, and everybody would be comfortable.

The campaign celebrates its annual national awareness day every 31st March, since when it was founded the same day in 2009. Ever since, the youth behind the campaign have been exceedingly assertive on their struggle. This can be further supported by the fact that they even compelled the White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to publicly make an apology for using the word retards, in January 2010. He apologized to the Special Olympics Chief Executive. This shows how they are optimistic, social status notwithstanding.

Many people have lauded the campaigns, and appreciate the manifesto of the activists. People have appreciated the efforts made by the advocates and have offered overwhelming support.

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