Faith And Jewish Interfaith Marriage

Publié par Unknown on mardi 7 août 2018

By Patricia Williams

Knowing a little more than one does is a good thing especially when marrying into a faith such as Judaism. Jewish interfaith marriage is becoming more and more necessary as people are open to online dating and finding the soulmate. There is much to learn if one is knew to this and the best place to start is on the Internet and to talk to those that practice this religion.

It takes time to become acquainted with laws, customs and practices in this faith and one should give oneself the time to do just that by searching on the Internet for questions and information sought. If one intends on getting married in a Jewish way, it is advisable to do some studying in preparation for this memorable day. One can find deeper meaning in its practices and by doing so, make the day that more special and meaningful.

Other criteria one may want to look at is that some days of the week, one is not allowed to get married. This goes for festival days too and only certain days, more popular a Sunday, one is allowed to get married. The Sabbath day for many is a day of rest where it is written in the Torah or Hebrew Bible, that God refrained from doing any more creating.

It is a day that is prepared for beforehand so that on this day, one literally has to do nothing and to enjoy the ambience of the day. These doings go back a couple of thousand of years, take or give a two, and it was the time when the Israelites wandered in the desert and were instructed to build an ark. All the varying types of work that went into its construction incorporates those functions that are not allowed to be done on a Sabbath day.

All types of work had to be done in order to build it and it is these exact types of work that a Jew or Jewess must refrain from doing on the Sabbath day. For some this is a bonus and a time to look forward to especially taking into account the many chores that require completion during a work week. It is a time for complete rest and for some going to Synagogue and listening to the weekly portion being read is medicine in itself.

No manner of work is done and this is derived from the Bible at the time when the Israelites, wandering through the desert, were instructed to build a mishkan or tabernacle as it is called in English. All the types of work that went into the construction of it constitute those types of work that must not be done on the Sabbath day. For those who keep the Sabbath day, they will attest to the fact that it is the most relaxing day of the week where one attends prayers and just takes it easy.

It is a day of rest. One can switch off the mobile phone, the laptop or any other electronics in their possession. Some may find this difficult to do.

The laws are geared at elevating the mundane to a state of holiness. This is one of the reasons that Jews say a blessing before partaking of any foodstuffs both solids and drinkables. In a nutshell this is the essence of being Jewish, elevating the not holy to a holier state of being.

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