Mercury Retrograde Causes Relationship Communication Issues

Publié par Unknown on samedi 19 octobre 2013

By Lou Raedwulfe

While the world's attention has been focused on the events of the world, Mercury retrograde has its own deadline, there is another deadline that is also approaching which, in its own way, could be as chaotic on an emotional and romantic level. This Fall's Mercury retrograde promises to create all kinds of relationship communication issues.

When Mercury is in its retrograde motion, you can expect some frustration, especially when it comes to communicating effectively. There can be delays in travel, misunderstandings of all types, and endings in relationships be it personal or career.

An good example of Mercury Retrograde at its finest has been these last few weeks in Washington DC. Communications were very difficult, at best while the debt ceiling was trying to be worked out. No one really got what they wanted. This 'discussion' came right down to the wire.

Where we can see what it does in group settings, like at work, you can expect gossip and misunderstandings. But where we actually experience it the hardest is in our most personal relationships. Clear communication is the backbone of our love life and when Mercury negatively affects our love relationships it is important to be aware of the negative energy flowing during this time period and just wait until things calm down.

Mercury going backwards for several weeks can cause transportation problems, especially, short-distance travel. If you have already made plans to travel in the Fall, just be sure to check them over and make sure to re-check them before you actually leave.

A Mercury retrograde can cause blurred perception and unclear thinking. If you find yourselves suddenly not getting along and crazy words go between you, stop before it escalates. This is a very common attribute of Mercury during its backward motion through the heavens.

If you cannot make another person see your side of the picture, if you can, and if at all possible, resume this conversation for a later date. You will have more luck getting them to see and understand your point of view.

If you can muster the courage, try to put off any really important issues until this time passes as this would be a very smart thing to do. It is also best to talk things out, if you have to, when you are in the presence of the other person or people to avoid electronic transmission difficulties.

5 Things to help your relationship stay in balance during Mercury retrograde:

1. Meet in person if possible instead of texts or emails

2. Take a step back during misunderstandings

3. Be careful what and how you say things to others

4. Be very diligent when texting and emailing

5. Be proactive; emotions can get out of control

Beginning in the Fall, Mercury will begin to chug forward and most of your issues will dissolve on their own. Just try to resolve any important issues well after, which marks the end of this Mercury retrograde. Take a big step back until the next month rolls around as you will be glad you did.

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