Simple Ways To Practice Positive Parenting

Publié par Unknown on mercredi 1 octobre 2014

By Maya Ricks

Many parents today are interested in developing positive parenting skills. While there's no exact definition for positive parenting, it usually refers to focusing on rewarding good behavior rather than on punishing unwanted behavior. This type of parenting encourages the child to keep on behaving in ways that are acceptable or appropriate while at the same building self-esteem. In this article, we'll talk about some things you can do to become a more positive parent.

To be a positive parent, it's essential to take time out for yourself. If you are stressed out, you will not be able to give the right kind of attention to your kids. No one has unlimited energy or patience and parents have to learn how to take care of themselves as well as their kids. It can be difficult to look after yourself when you've got kids because they take up most of your time and energy. Yet you should make sure you are eating well and getting enough rest and exercise. Don't let yourself be under too much pressure for too long. Address the source of your stress at the soonest so you can get rid of your stress. When you take care of yourself, you'll be a lot better at taking care of your children.

Parents should be setting the right example for their children especially when it concerns basic values such as politeness, honesty, and respect for others. Simply put, if you want your children to learn these things, you'll need to lead the way by practicing them yourself. Avoid directly criticizing your child when you are correcting an inappropriate behavior that he or she has displayed. You need to focus on the inappropriate behavior, not your child, and let him or her know why that kind of behavior is not acceptable. For instance, if your child gets a low score on a test, stress to your child why he or she should study harder. Don't resort to name calling. Your child needs to know why you have set certain rules and that you expect him or her to abide by those rules. Avoid labeling your child negatively because this only reinforces the undesirable behavior. Your focus should be on correcting the undesirable behavior of your child, not criticizing your child.

An important aspect of positive parenting is encouraging healthy habits. This includes eating a healthy diet and getting enough physical activity. These days this isn't really easy to do considering that children are bombarded by things that will tempt them to develop bad habits. You can do your part, though, by shopping for and cooking nutritious foods and supplying these in your kid's lunchbox. You should also make sure your child gets regular exercise and doesn't spend all of his or her free time watching TV or playing on the computer. This is an issue where you have to be firm and set firm limits, as otherwise it's too easy for kids to rely on passive forms of entertainment.

When you practice positive parenting, you have a better chance of developing a healthy relationship with your children. Whether your child is faced with a problem in school or at home, you can practice positive parenting by focusing on the positive outcome instead of on the problem. You can get started on practicing positive parenting by applying the tips we shared in this article. For more information, you can check your local library or do a search online for sites devoted to this parenting approach.

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