Tips From Your Gifted Spiritual Healer On Growing Spiritually

Publié par Unknown on lundi 13 octobre 2014

By Estelle Larsen

Growing spiritually is not an easy task. However, everyone has to aim for this if they want to live a life where they can feel blissful with their everyday living. It is a good thing that there is now a formula that everyone can follow for that. Here are the things that a gifted spiritual healer recommends when one wants to grow spiritually.

Acceptance. It is recommended for people to learn acceptance. This means that they have to accept everything that goes on around them as they are. This also means that they have to avoid resisting their surrounding because doing so will simply bring one a lot of pain. The more one resists, the more painful it will become.

You should embrace change. Remember that the only thing constant in this universe is change. Whether it be the form of the planet or the feelings of a person, they will change every instant. There is no one who can stop change. If you resist change, that will just give you pain. Also, growing spiritually considers change as its very essence.

Take responsibility. When it comes to taking responsibility, that does not mean you have to associate it with change. Taking responsibility basically means you have to take charge of your own life, no matter what. This does not mean you should blame yourself for any painful experiences that happen around you though.

Learn to focus on today. You should keep your eyes open on the future. There is no need to wallow yourself in your past or to daze yourself for the future. You have to use your power now. If you do that, then you will have the ability to change your attitude and perception of the past as well as shape your own future.

Understand the concept of attraction. You have to remember that whatever energy you give off into your environment, that is also what you will attract back to you. Your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are what creates this energy. If you give off positive energy created from positive thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, you gain positive energy back too.

You need courage. This is directly related to people's emotional growth. It takes courage for a person to grow, after all. When you have the courage to face your painful experiences, you can gain a great amount of emotional growth. People's emotional growth is the fuel that will help people grow spiritually too.

Forgiveness. In a person's life, it is only natural to go through experiences that will make one angry or hate another person. While this is natural, you should have the will to let them go. Letting them go means forgiving. If you are able to forgive, then you should be able to move forward. You can also eliminate the obstacles of your growth.

Learn how to express gratitude. Remember that gratitude brings about the highest frequency of joy, regardless of who it is. The more you feel grateful, the more you can attract experiences that you can be grateful for. You will find gratitude empowering. If you are empowered, you may grow spiritually too.

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