Your Best Bet For Getting Your Girlfriend Back

Publié par Unknown on vendredi 6 décembre 2013

By Howard Bean

Are you frustrated with your attempts to try to get back together with your ex? Do well meaning conversations turn into battles where you are constantly trying to defend yourself?

Are your words and actions taken out of context by your ex and used against you? Do you feel like your ex is living in a totally different reality and you feel like you simply can't win? How can you straighten things out and get back to that loving relationship that you both once shared? How can you turn things around and make your ex see that you truly love them with all your heart?

Often when a guy breaks up with you he does become like a small child. You can use this little known fact of male psychology to work in your favor though. It becomes almost entertaining when you think about it. Just like a bad little boy, your ex boyfriend is probably upset and angry and he refuses to see anything your way. If you were to say that something is white he will insist that it's black. If you try to explain anything to him or discuss any aspect of your breakup or even be nice to him he will throw a fit and reject you. This is why you need to understand male psychology and use it against him if you hope to get him back.

Now, what would you do if you saw a little boy that was throwing a fit? What would be most effective in circumventing that behavior? Punishing him or giving him a stern talking to rarely works. This will only make him more angry and beligerent. Rewarding bad behavior or giving him some sort of a treat won't be apprecaited so being nice to him isn't going to work. Even acknowledging his poor behavior only reinforces that behavior.

Likewise, with your ex-girlfriend, the best thing that you can do is to be calm, be quiet and let her come to you. She will become interested, like a cat. If there is something going on in your life, she will want to know what you're doing or what you're playing with. Once you stop chasing her, she will stop running away from you. The flight instinct will no longer be in effect. She might sit for a little while to be sure that you're not going to chase her again and then she will become interested in what you're doing.

To further enhance this effect and make your exgirlfriend more interested in what's going on in your life, be sure that there is something going on in your life. Start doing things like take up a hobby or start working out or become elusive. A woman can't stand it if you have a secret life that she doesn't know about. Doing a little counter-intelligence by appearing to have a secret is often more than they can handle. This could mean planting the seeds in the form of postings on social networking websites or telling a mutual friend that you have something going on in your life is usually all that is needed.

Sometimes it might take a week or two for your ex boyfriend to calm down. This is good because you're going to have to think of something that you can plan or do that would be interesting to him. Maybe you can take up a new hobby or go away for a weekend. Start attending classes at your local community college. Do something to make him wonder what you're up to, where you're going and who you're spending time with. Once he's done with his little temper tantrum he'll seek you out to find out what you're up to. He will see that your life is interesting and fun without him in it and he'll want to become a part of it.

While this is only a rough outline of a successful plan to get your ex girlfriend back, it does require nerves of steel. There will be times when you will want to reach out to her. You'll want to hear her voice or see her face. You'll want to try things the old fashioned way but you need to resist that temptation. Think of the big picture and the long haul. Remember, you might only get one more chance at a second chance with her so you have to make this one count and playing off of her female psychology and her emotional hot buttons is the way to go if you want to get back together with her.

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