Some Glad Morning: A Novel That Will Steal Your Heart.

Publié par Unknown on jeudi 19 septembre 2013

By Margret Pruneda

It's always a blast to discover a terrific novel before anyone else. It's like finding a treasure. I guess I'm a treasure hunter at heart, because finding a good read is what keeps me going. You know how darn persnickety I can be about books.

Some Glad Morning, by Gary C. Horton, is, quite frankly, a marvelous story. It's a novel with legs, as they used to say in publishing. At first glance, Some Glad Morning might appear to be simply a remarkable love story. It is a remarkable love story and I promise it will melt your heart, but it's also the story of a young man making his way against horrific odds.

Some of the many things you will find endearing about Some Glad Morning are the characters. Some are quirky, to say the least, some are inspiring and some will take your breath away. It is as if somehow Mr. Horton has made the familiar magical. You'll want to tell others about this book.

The main character is Ransom, the son of a share cropper in South Carolina. He volunteers for the Army in order to earn cash for his impoverished family. But, it's 1918 and he's immediately sent to the trenches to fight in the First World War. An assault across no man's land fails miserably and Ransom is stranded in a shell hole with a dying lieutenant.

The young officer has in his pocket the love letters from his fiancee, a Charleston lady named Elizabeth. As a dying wish, the officer asks Ransom to read to him the letters. In a heartbreaking scene I will never forget, Ransom reads to the young man as he dies. Later, as Ransom lies wounded for days in that shell hole, he finds solace in Elizabeth's letters and falls in love.

Although they are socially worlds apart, Ransom comes home to pursue Elizabeth. He has nothing and she is a Charleston aristocrat. Soon he must contend with a wealthy competing suitor, racism, soul crushing poverty and relentless stupidity.

The course of love never did run smooth and Ransom stumbles through his trials. With the help of a crusty Civil War veteran who talks to himself and a pet raccoon, and the unflinching integrity of a pregnant runaway, Ransom is made stronger by his trials. He learns to love and to love deeply.

Some Glad Morning has one of the most uplifting endings I have ever experienced in a book or a film. In fact, this is one novel I would dearly love to see made into a movie. That hasn't happened yet, but fortunately, it has been made into an audio book flawlessly narrated by voice actress Janet Metzer. I highly recommend Some Glad Morning.

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