The Formula On How To Get A Boy To Like You

Publié par Unknown on dimanche 8 septembre 2013

By Ewald Moors

With all the social conditioning telling us that the guys should make the first romantic move...telling you how much he likes you, a woman who BADLY wants to tell the man they like what she feels about him could only wait.Or else, others may look at her as someone who's desperate and easy to get.BUT what if you could make him want you? What if you're armed with clear-cut and logical steps on how to get a boy to like you?That would put you in a powerful position!Think about it - these steps on how to make a boy to like you will make him look at you in a new (more-than-friend) light and will make the first step. So you get what you want (your dream guy) without the risk of looking least by social norms.

Before you even try knowing the other person, you should start the journey within. Do you really know the real you? Explore your strengths and weaknesses and be comfortable with them. Each person will have their own share of flaws so do not feel bad when you discover your weakness. Instead, accept them with a positive outlook. Once you have a better understanding of your good and bad side, you can move on to the next step on how to get a boy to like you.

If you want others to like you especially the man of your dreams, you should have to start with yourself. Love yourself otherwise, no one will. You are a good person from outside and within. Stop begging for another person's attention. You will just look pathetic if you keep on doing this. Cultivate your talent and prove to the rest of the world that you are who you are and you are proud of yourself. When you value yourself, it will transpire to the outside and for sure, guys will see that.

And rightly so, I mean how will a complete stranger like you if it shows that you're NOT comfortable in your own skin?So drop that habit of looking at the ground when walking, stand straight up.Believe that you can do it and attract the man you like.Remember the saying whether you think you can or cannot, you're right! This nicely ties in with tip no. 2. What you think of constantly will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.So you're thinking that he'll NOT notice you whatever you do?

You are probably not sure on how to get a boy like you, that is why you are here finding the most effective ways to get your dream guy notice you. Some people think that it is not easy and it takes a lot of practice and of course, luck to succeed. But what if I tell you that the steps are very simple? They will not make you look cheap and pathetic in his eyes and instead, he will find you very attractive. So, if you are ready with the steps, here are the things that you can do on how to get a boy to like you.

You are mesmerized by a boy you know, but then he does not even have a single notion that you exist! What will you do to make him notice you then? You have no idea when to start because in the first place, you have no common friends to introduce you to each other. Well, you are one lucky girl for having chanced upon this article. Now all your worries about how to get a boy to like you will be a big deal no more! Befriending him and eventually making him like you is now made easy with the following five easy steps of how to get a boy to like you:

Drop a hanky or car keys in front of him.Since you have no other means of getting acquainted with each other, it is best if you could come up with some ideas on how you could get him to notice you. While dropping a hanky in front of the boy you like may be an old-fashioned technique to get noticed, it has been proven to be effective in cutting the introductions short.

Boys or men they are different in their nature. From the only nature of man hood they are goal oriented. Hence, it's important for them to have a targeted goal and the desire to achieve it. If he would get something easily that doesn't quench his male ego. The golden rule to get the guy you like is to make him want you. For that you don't have to be around him all the time, be available when he reaches out to you, on the contrary you need play the came called "Hard to Get".This is just not another trial and error methods, it is actually playing with his psyche. As you become hard to get the interest level he has in you would suddenly rise and you are something that he is threatened of not been able to achieve. And he would reach out for you to prove to him self that he could get you. The best part of the play is that he him self doesn't know about this game. The following tips would help

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