Will The Antichrist Be A Muslim

Publié par Unknown on mercredi 5 mars 2014

By Harriett Crosby

In these troubling times, when signs seem to fulfill the Bible's description of the end times, many people ask; Will the antichrist be a Muslim? Since our best source of the agenda of this embodiment of evil is the Christian Bible, it makes sense to go there and find out.

Islam is spreading rapidly around the globe. Many people were born into this religion and therefore know nothing else. Others have converted to this belief system for many reasons, just as people convert to any religion. Millions live under the rule of Islam even if they are not true followers. The spread of this religion comes through immigration into other cultures and sometimes by violence. It seems that such a pervasive system could give rise to one man who would control all nations.

Moreover, the antichrist seems to be a Christian product. We can turn to the Bible for information. John, the beloved disciple and apostle of Christ, uses the term antichrist in his letters. He tells us that there are many such agents of evil and that they 'went out from us'. In other words, they were once a part of the church, although John says that their defection from the ways of God shows that they were never true believers.

John tells us that the antichrists all deny the Father and the Son. This is the main qualification for being one who has the spirit that wants the position of the deity. Although denying Jesus as God in flesh fits Muslims, it does not eliminate the fact that the supreme world leader will come out of the fellowship of christian believers.

John tells us that the spirit is already in the world. This makes sense in a Christian context, since Satan was cast out of heaven for wishing to elevate himself to the status of God. He fell to earth, where he deceived the first man and first woman into disobeying God their Father. This wish to displace God is the driving force behind world domination by the one who holds ultimate power in the end times.

Christian scripture tells us that the believers war not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. Satan works his evil through mankind, in a clear imitation of how God blesses the world through the good works of His people. It is understandable that the spirit of evil can animate many people throughout all periods of time.

When Paul cautions believers against coming deceivers and liars, he does not use the same name for them. He uses the term 'man of sin' and 'son of perdition'. All through the Bible, we are told that Satan is at work in the world. He has always wanted the worship and devotion given to God, and Satan is who was defeated at the cross. This is Christian doctrine from beginning to end.

Will the antichrist be a Muslim? It appears that Christianity is the spiritual arena for this global and final conflict, when the ultimate challenge to God will be met and defeated. All the world will be affected, but the christian God is the one who is challenged and will win.

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